Wednesday, July 12, 2006

12 of July 12

Ok, yes, I KNOW I missed the June 12th posting. Laptop HELL that month and I'm not going back! Here, however is my posting for July.

Per Chad Darnell's 12 of 12 Project:
"You take 12 pics of anything - on the 12th of each month. YOU own the rights to all of your pictures - they will not be sold into a coffee table book at the end of the year (though the concept IS mine). They can be of anything. The idea is HOW did YOU live the life YOU did on the 12th of that month. By checking all the links once they are compiled, you get to see how people lived the same day all over the world. The original concept was that there had to be at least one body part in the pic. That idea has slowly diminished. 12 pics."

This month's 'bonus pick' was based on a word generator. (frankly, ugh!) My word was "Moments". ARGH!! Aren't they ALL moments?! Well, since I am visiting Atlanta this month, here goes...

The interior of the Georgian Terrace!


Anonymous said...

I used to live across the street from the Terrace! Thanks for doing it! You going to be in San Fran at the end of the month?

Bonnie said...

Awwwww. That makes me homesick for Atlanta!

Cool 12 of 12~

Teena in Toronto said...

Thanks for sharing your day!

Mine is up too :)